Start Small… with a Seed or 12

One of the lodgepole pine secrets is that the variety that grows near the Rocky Mountains is fire-dependant. Nature has designed the lodgepole cones so that high temperatures such as forest fires are required to open the cones and expose the needles to the elements.

High Hopes vs The Gut

It happens to all of us. We have an upcoming situation/event and we get our hopes up even though we know in our gut that the desired outcome we're hoping for is not likely to be the one that goes down in the history books. It's not quite the same as INSANITY: repeating an action... Continue Reading →

It Takes a Thief

Later that day the offending book was no longer available. I guess having the US Government as a client and a team of lawyers at your beck and call makes a difference.

Research, Write, Research, Write…

Research doesn't always go the way we plan, though. Back in the mid-90s I was writing a sci-fi novel set three hundred years in the future when sex work would be legal and respected. In order to give my character, Jazmine, an authentic voice, I travelled to Nevada to interview a sex worker in a legal brothel.

Easter Quicky

Being Christian, I have a problem with the phrase, "Happy Easter". I find that the bunnies, spring, and chocolate part are fun and more universal, but I find that from the Crucifixion to the Resurrection, there's nothing to be HAPPY about during the weekend. For me it's a time of reflection about what I can... Continue Reading →

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