It Takes a Thief

Later that day the offending book was no longer available. I guess having the US Government as a client and a team of lawyers at your beck and call makes a difference.

Research, Write, Research, Write…

Research doesn't always go the way we plan, though. Back in the mid-90s I was writing a sci-fi novel set three hundred years in the future when sex work would be legal and respected. In order to give my character, Jazmine, an authentic voice, I travelled to Nevada to interview a sex worker in a legal brothel.

Free for Kindle?

Okay, Kindle-owners (and app-users)... My urban fantasy eNovel is now free! Go get it! If you read it and don't like it, I will give you your money back, but only if you get it this weekend!

Where else will you find a history-bending adventure in which the hero has MS, hangs out with a whistling pixie, and can compare Jesus Christ and Adolf Hitler and make sense? This is NOT satire. It's a story of the battle for our souls, with plenty of fighting, some humour, and warning about all those security cameras you see around you.

Way Down the Bucket List

As a Canadian writer of stories of a speculative nature, including science fiction, fantasy, and horror, it has been one of my goals/dreams to have a story appear in Tesseracts, the annual Canadian Spec Fic collection.

Why, eh?

So, now I'm writing a novel that I am giddily excited about. Me, a 52-year-old grandfather is writing a fantasy novel for teenaged girls, because I think they are the ones who will best appreciate the characters and their tale of life and excitement. Wish me luck.

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